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100 Affirmations to start your day with a positive mindset.

Autorenbild: Sarah JegelkaSarah Jegelka

Aktualisiert: 18. Okt. 2021

Why starting your day with affirmations can be so powerful.

Activate the creative power within you.

A very effective method to activate your own creative power is the use of positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are powerful and empowering statements about yourself and life. The regular repetition of affirmations helps you to your subconscious mind to a new, positive self-perception.

Affirmations are always positive and formulated in the present tense, e.g.:

  • I am in the process of positive change.

  • I am the best version of myself.

  • I am free. I can choose to let go at any time.

  • I allow myself to be successful in all areas of my life.

Why there is incredible magic in the use of affirmations?

We all have been programmed - at the subconscious level - to think, believe and act the way we do. Our programming is a result of many influences, including what we have been told by others, what we have told ourselves, and all of our life experiences - both good and bad. Some of us have programming that makes it easy for us to be happy and successful, while others - possibly the majority - have programming that makes life difficult.

Your self-talk has dramatic influence on your level of success in every aspect of your life - confidence, health, happiness, wealth, relationships, etc. Your affirmations are either working for or against you, depending on how you are using them.

Spend your day in a new world.

So why not using affirmations and thoughts that help you to be more confident and joyful?

Create the life you want to live by creating your thoughts.

You can use affirmations to start programming yourself to be confident, joyful and successful in everything you do. It can help you to achieve your wishes, goals, dreams and visions. Repeating daily your subconscious mind will begin to believe what you tell it, act upon it and eventually manifest your reality.

Since you get to choose and create your affirmations, you can design them to help you establish the thoughts, beliefs and behaviours that you want and need in order to feel more grounded, aligned and blissful.

When you start your day with affirmations, the more clarity, joy, focus, productivity, gratitude and positive energy you bring into your day.

Choose three powerful affirmations that you can repeat every day:

1. ___________________

2. ___________________

3. ___________________

  1. I worship the divine that resides within me.

  2. I am in the process of positive change.

  3. I am infinite consciousness.

  4. I am open to the messages of my heart.

  5. I choose my thoughts carefully.

  6. I am free. I can choose to let go at any time.

  7. I allow myself to be successful in all areas of my life.

  8. I am of value / so precious and have much to give to the world.

  9. All the answers already reside within me.

  10. I focus on my talents and abilities.

  11. I am on the right path.

  12. I know that life is always for me.

  13. I gratefully accept life's challenges and grow from it.

  14. I see the miracles that life offers.

  15. I am courageous and full of confidence.

  16. I am calm and balanced inside.

  17. I am a gift to this world.

  18. I participate in creating a good place on earth and make a positive impact.

  19. I am self-confident.

  20. I bring my light into the world.

  21. I follow the call of my heart.

  22. I am intelligent and always have a solution.

  23. I look lovingly at myself.

  24. I am focused and clear.

  25. I communicate clearly and with ease.

  26. I deserve fulfilment, success, wealth and joy.

  27. I create a life that fulfils me and with which I serve others.

  28. I am pure energy.

  29. I am the creator of my life.

  30. I am a winner.

  31. I am willing to change.

  32. Money flows to me and I love wealth.

  33. I deserve financial success.

  34. I trust and I win.

  35. I take 100% responsibility.

  36. I have my own opinion and I stand up for it.

  37. I can handle criticism well.

  38. I go through the day with joy and openness.

  39. I achieve my goals with ease.

  40. Today is the best day of my life.

  41. I make clear decisions out of abundance and love.

  42. I am strong and protected.

  43. I create the best conditions in my life.

  44. I am happy.

  45. Today I am at peace.

  46. My life gets more fabulous every day.

  47. Love is all there is!

  48. I love and approve of myself.

  49. It is safe for me to speak up for myself.

  50. Today is a sacred gift from Life.

  51. I am successful.

  52. I am filled with gratitude.

  53. I open my heart and trust.

  54. I am love.

  55. I embrace life.

  56. I love myself as I am.

  57. I realise that I am the source of my happiness.

  58. I see myself in a new light.

  59. I am ready to change.

  60. I love and respect myself.

  61. I give my best.

  62. I accept myself as I am.

  63. Love surrounds me.

  64. I am healthy and worthy of being loved.

  65. I am healthy, whole, and complete.

  66. I trust myself. I trust life.

  67. I am a happiness magnet.

  68. I am getting stronger and healthier every day.

  69. I am loved, I am complete.

  70. I trust my intuition.

  71. I am greeted by love wherever I go.

  72. I know that old, negative patterns no longer limit me. I let them go with ease.

  73. Everything will be fine, I master every challenge. I am good at what I do. What I do, is good enough.

  74. I experience love wherever I go.

  75. I am the best version of myself.

  76. I love myself and my fellow human beings.

  77. I bring my radiance and power to the outside world.

  78. I am full of power and great ideas.

  79. I create my life in the most beautiful colours and shapes.

  80. I have wonderful people around me who support me.

  81. I am love and joy.

  82. Everything I need is already inside me.

  83. I live the day 100%.

  84. I let go of what weakens me and travel with easy luggage.

  85. Life offers me the opportunity to grow and I accept it gratefully.

  86. I am just right the way I am - I love and am loved, without expectations.

  87. I welcome new ideas.

  88. I am not my past.

  89. I welcome miracles into my life.

  90. I am loved, and I am at peace.

  91. I trust the process of life.

  92. Life is for me.

  93. I honor who I am.

  94. Only good can come to me.

  95. I am limitless awareness.

  96. I recognise the gift in forgiveness.

  97. Life supports me in every possible way.

  98. Every moment holds the opportunity for healing.

  99. I see myself in a new light.

  100. . I am complete

How can I help you to establish positiv belief systems and find a helpful routine?

  1. Contact me for a 1:1 ENERGY FIELD READING to identify non beneficial belief systems and affirmations and replace them with positive point of reference. Travel to your own inner healer. I am happy to work with you and guide you on your journey.

  2. I regularly share my MORNING ROUTINE (20 min meditation) with you (*for free* on instagram and youtube) and am happy if you benefit from it as much as I do. You can find the links for free participation below the post.

Connect: Follow me on Instagram, Facebook or join one of my workshops.

It all starts from within. It all starts today.

Love, Sarah

Meditate with me and start to create your life by feeling your affirmation.

Create with me! In this meditation I share with you a way to connect to your deeper self, your wish, your heart and universal space , where everything is possible.

Start Meditation min 05:40

Duration 15min

Repeat any time

The Healer Within

Connect to your own inner wisdom.

Deep. Transformational. Soft.

The Healer Within on Instragram

The Healer Within on Facebook

The Healer Within on Youtube

Free Meditations on IG and YOUTUBE


Elrod, H. (2017) - The Miracle Morning

Hay, Louis - Best Affirmations of all times

Lovejoy, A. (2007) - The One Command

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